The Living Bread: Spiritual Nourishment in a World of Empty Calories

As human beings, we have an innate hunger for something more than just the physical pleasures of this world. We want to know the meaning of life, feel a sense of purpose, and find peace in our hearts. But all too often, we look for satisfaction in the wrong places, trying to fill our spiritual hunger with empty calories that leave us feeling even more empty and dissatisfied.

Thankfully, there is a solution to our spiritual hunger, and it’s found in Jesus Christ. As we read in John 6:35-58, Jesus calls Himself the “Bread of Life,” and promises to satisfy our deepest hunger. Let’s take a closer look at this passage and discover how we can find spiritual nourishment in a world of empty calories.

The Problem of Empty Calories

Before we can appreciate the value of Living Bread, we need to understand the problem of empty calories. What are empty calories, you may ask? They are the things we pursue that promise to satisfy our spiritual hunger, but ultimately leave us feeling even more empty and unsatisfied.

empty calories

For others, empty calories may be found in the pursuit of pleasure. They indulge in food, alcohol, or other vices, hoping to find temporary relief from their pain or boredom. But as the high wears off, they are left feeling even more empty and ashamed.

And for still others, empty calories may be found in the pursuit of false religions or spiritual practices. They seek enlightenment or connection with the divine, but without a true understanding of God’s love and grace, they are left feeling lost and disillusioned.

All of these things promise satisfaction but ultimately fall short. They are like empty calories that may fill us up temporarily but leave us hungry and dissatisfied in the long run.

The Promise of Living Bread

Thankfully, Jesus offers us a better way. As we read in John 6:35-58, Jesus calls Himself the “Bread of Life,” and promises to satisfy our deepest hunger. But what does that mean, exactly?

First, we need to understand that Jesus’ words are not just symbolic or metaphorical. He is not saying that He is like bread, or that He has something to offer that is similar to bread. No, Jesus is saying that He is the actual Bread of Life. Just as bread sustains our physical bodies, Jesus sustains our spirits. He is the source of our spiritual nourishment, the one who can truly satisfy our deepest hunger.

Second, we need to understand that Jesus’ offer of the Living Bread is not just for a select few. He says in verse 37, “whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” This means that no matter who you are or what you’ve done, you are invited to partake of the Living Bread. Jesus doesn’t turn anyone away who comes to Him with an open heart.

Third, we need to understand that the satisfaction Jesus offers is not just temporary, but eternal. He says in verse 40, “For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life.” When we come to Jesus and partake of the Living Bread, we receive not just a momentary feeling of satisfaction, but an eternal satisfaction that will sustain us forever.

The Importance of Partaking of the Living Bread

Now that we understand what the Living Bread is and what it offers us, we need to consider how we can partake of it. Jesus gives us the answer in verse 35: “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” To partake of the Living Bread, we need to come to Jesus and believe in Him.

Coming to Jesus means acknowledging our spiritual hunger and recognizing that only Jesus can satisfy it. It means turning away from the empty calories of this world and turning toward the One who offers us true nourishment. It means surrendering our lives to Him and trusting Him to guide us on the path of eternal life.

Believing in Jesus means placing our faith in Him and accepting His offer of salvation. It means acknowledging that He is the Son of God, that He died for our sins, and that He rose again on the third day. It means committing our lives to Him and living in obedience to His Word.

When we come to Jesus and believe in Him, we receive the Living Bread and all the benefits that come with it. We receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We receive a sense of purpose and meaning, and the peace that comes from knowing that we are loved and accepted by God.


I encourage you, today, to consider your spiritual hunger and where you are seeking satisfaction. Are you pursuing empty calories that will leave you feeling even more empty and unsatisfied? Or are you coming to Jesus and partaking in the Living Bread that He offers?

Remember, only Jesus can truly satisfy our deepest hunger. He is the Bread of Life, the source of our spiritual nourishment, and the one who offers us eternal satisfaction. So come to Him today and experience the true satisfaction that only He can provide.

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